A Touchy Subject But A Whale Of A Good Time

A Touchy Subject But A Whale Of A Good Time was Originally Posted on February 20, 2012 by

I know that not every post of mine is a gem. In fact, many posts many not interest very many people. But you have to admit that I can cover a world of different topics in a few days.

If you hang in here a while, I’m sure something will interest you.

The blog is almost a “Read more about it” series where I give you enough info to tantalize you then send you off looking for more information.

In a recent blog I talked about Ham Radio and transmitters in space. There is a radio transmitter under water right here in Hawaii. You may wonder what in the world it could be transmitting? Whal songs, that’s what!

Using a buoy, an underwater mike listens for the whales to sing and transmits that signal to shore where it is piped to the internt. While not always live (sometimes the whales go home to Alaska), still, we get to hear underwater songs from whales.

