All You Gotta Do Is Dream

All You Gotta Do Is Dream was Originally Posted on November 12, 2014 by

I think my dreams have gotten pretty weird lately and it may be from the medicine I have been on. It used to be that I would either not have dreams or forget them as I wake up. Within the past few years or maybe longer, I have found that the dreams are not necessarily based on anything I was thinking about before going to bed. It is said that dreams are the minds way of working out problems, but I don’t see that as the case. Perhaps I am writing a novel in my head while asleep.

This was the dream I just woke up from.

I am in the car with my relatives and my Mom and getting hungry but they don’t want to stop. I have them drop me off and I decide to go off by myself.

I enter a very large library, probably the National Library and I am walking through and near a group on a tour. The female speaker is talking about a murder of a young man whose last name is Kennedy (not the President by the way). The story sounds interesting and I walk towards the card catalog. A gentleman in a bowler talks to me, thinking I was part of the group and I explain no, I was just walking by. I may have been wearing a bowler then but later am not.

I approach the card catalog. It is a long table with wooden drawers. The area near the “KE”‘s has people looking in the drawer, so I decide to walk around until I can get into that drawer to find the book. On my way I see a woman that I know but am not speaking with anymore. I ignore her and turn back to the card catalog. There is a child in that area who is having a tantrum. He obviously has an emotional problem and I decide to leave. As I walk down the long hallway outside I note that it is all granite. There are two men walking in front of me talking about something and I find an opportunity to join the conversation with a joke, however the joke is not all that good to elicit a laugh. When all three of us reach the end of the walkway, the older gentleman asks if I am going to catch the bus to my destination. It appears they may also be going that direction. I point to the left and ask if that is north. This is obviously Georgetown.

The younger of the two says they are going to get a large steak and some beer. I ask if they mind if I go also, not having eaten recently. There is a pause in the conversation while they think that over. I say “It’s OK if you prefer me not to go”, but they agree. “We are meeting some friends and are not sure there is lots of room but sure, come on”.

Seconds later we are at an outdoor restaurant with some square tables against the front of the restaurant and some round ones nearby. At one square table is an older gentleman whom I introduce myself to and there are two younger guys, one college age and the other younger. They are obviously brothers and I guess from Ireland having freckles and very reddish hair. The first gives me his name as “Bowflower ” and I think it is his last name, like a British “Pettyjohn”. When the younger says his name is “Wildflower” I realize they are first names or nicknames. Perhaps the parents were hippies :-)

The two gentlemen I came over with are now seated at a round table with another friend. They have gotten me a beer, although a dark one. I’m not all that thrilled with dark beer but start to sit down at one of the two empty chair near me. There is a drunk woman from the adjoining table who has her head on the chair I was going to sit in. I decided to stand but her boyfriend wakes here and she moves, mumbling in a drunken way. I sit down.

One of the men tells me it is common to put $5 down on the table, but I show him I have already put $6 down. I don’t know if this is a tip, but I was going to pay for my own beer and put the money there to show that I was not expecting anyone to treat me.

About this time I wake up and it is 2:00am. I try to go back to bed but can’t and this dream was just so involved it would not go away and I decided to write it down.

Nothing today had to do with flowers or reading. I had gotten on the tractor and cut grass and weeds. I saw a white owl who might have been injured but did manage to fly away. I fed the dogs, watched “Wheel of Fortune” (one of the episodes filmed here in Hawaii), separated the two dogs because the female is coming out of season and took a nap. That was at about 8pm I guess so I napped for 6 hours. That is the nice thing about being retired!