Getting Cold!

Getting Cold! was Originally Posted on October 24, 2005 by

The weather across the country is getting colder. Thoughts of pumpkins and frost come to mind. The fall colors soon turn to winder grays.

Parts of Florida may soon be under water again and my heart goes out to them.

Here on the island, I have been clearing some brush off the farm. I bought a brush mower but still have problems because it uses plastic lines instead of blades. They supplied 10 whips, which I used up in the first 4 hours. They come like 10 per package at about $8. I bought a reel of plastic line and will make my own!

While clearing some brush I removed my goggles and turned around, allowing a branch to hit me in the eye. I don’t think I have any debris in there, but rather that the eyeball got slightly scratched. Tears don’t appear to wash anything out, so I’m sure it is an irritation. It is very uncomfortable and that eye hurts.

It appears that I picked up a cold. While that sounds pretty common, it is the first cold I have had here in years. Although cold germs are common, I found that because I’m on a farm away from the general public and don’t fly as much as I used to, I don’t get as sick as I used to. I know others who always seem to get a cold after flying and that might be how I caught this one. I just visited someone who is sick after a flight to the mainland.

In ancient times (what we call pre-contact) the natives here did not know disease like we do. Once ships began to arrive, so did all the diseases of the world, including smallpox, measles and so on. The Hawaiians had no natural defenses for these diseases and most lost their life to what we would consider rites of passage in life.

Perhaps a hot cup of coffee will chase these troubles away.

Until next time, Aloha!