I Have Arrived!

I Have Arrived! was Originally Posted on April 2, 2007 by

Longtime readers know that I try to weave a number of related stories together, but I missed this opportunity because I was not thinking.

I mentioned in my last blog about Destination Kona Coast, who meet arriving passengers to our island. Well, in a way, I too have “arrived”.

I bought a domain name a while back to help me sell my Camaro. The site was “OwnThisCamaro.Com” and yes, that WAS my Camaro shown there now. So now that the car has been sold, I thought that I would offer the domain name for sale, or perhaps I could load up a classified ad software and sell ads to people wanting to sell their own Camaros.

While searching Ebay to see what domain names might be going for, I entered in a keyword Lavarock and found something interesting.

Years ago I read a book by Isabella Bird about her travels to Hawaii in the late 1800’s. I was so fascinated by the book that I wrote book reviews and posted them on popular book sites. Imagine my surprise today to see someone selling a hardback copy of the book and there on the listing is my review (Lavarock from Marietta Georgia). You can see the listing for the next couple of days by looking for item # 170097405732.

While not a scholar (and some would say not even a writer) at least this one seller thought that my review would help him sell the book!

So I guess I have “arrived” now that someone else is quoting me… :-)