
Koa was Originally Posted on June 28, 2007 by

The letters K O A are interesting in that they mean many things. K.O.A. is a abreviation for the Kampgrounds of America, a place to camp or RV. Although I don’t remember staing at a KOA, I used to go camping in Georgia when I was gold prospecting.

KOA is also the call letters of a radio station, 850 on the AM radio dial, in Denver. I used to be a radio DJ in Kentucky (WREM).

Closer to Hawaii, KOA is the airport designator for the Kailua-Kona airport right up the road from me and a popular destination for visitors to this island.

Koa is also a beautiful wood, commonly found in Hawaii. The trees were often used for making canoes and are still used to make guitars and ukuleles.

Koa is the Hawaiian word for brave, bold and fearless.

Finaly, Koa is the name of my new guard dog for the farm. As mentioned in a previous blog, I reviewed many meaningful names and once I brought the little guy home the other day, I tried each name to see which one he responded to. Although I love to report that when I called him Koa, he jumped and acknowledged his name, alas, he was too busy playing with toys. I decided that Koa was a short and forceful name and that is what he will be called.

Now, I have to tell you that since he is A.K.C. registered, I also have to give him an official name and that may be a bit easier, because it will not be a common name he will need to respond to, just one for the paperwork.

His Farther is “Mikelli Darkn Stormy” and his Mother is “Avokah Choclyt Brownie”. I think the registered name may include “Kope” (coffee) and “Kokoleka” (chocolate).