More tails

More tails was Originally Posted on May 12, 2005 by

Perhaps it should be spelled tales? Anyway, the dog is still here, but not for the lack of me trying to return him to his owner.

I posted his photo on two telephone poles in my neighborhood and then down at the ChoiceMart (local supermarket). I added an entry on the local Animal Rescue website. I also posted the info in the chat area at KonaWeb. Then I posted an ad on BigIslandClassifieds and in the local newspaper (who kindly offers a 12 word for 3 day free ad for things like this).

I got a phone call this morning at 6 am asking if I found a dog. Luckily (or is that UNFORTUNATELY) the dog had me up at 5am, so this call did not wake me. The caller lost a similar dog, but his dog runs loose and it appears this is not his dog. Anyway, I refered him to the ChoiceMart bulletin board.

I am glad that I was able to catch the dog and care for it, fully sure that had it continued to run wild it would have gotten hurt. Pit bulls are not know for their disposition; however, that MAY be over rated. This young dog likes to play somewhat rough, but it also is well behaved, appears to to bark often and likes to play and be scratched.

Unfortunately, I cannot keep the dog. I used to have a collie/golden retreiver mix, but decided that until I had the room and time to care for an animal, I would not get another.

So in the meantime, I’ll be forced to take the dog to the pound on Monday if the owner has not come forward. One bright spot is that many dogs in Hawaii carry microchips which can identify the owner. Since there appear to by no vets near me, taking the dog to a vet or the pound 20 miles away to scan for the chip, pretty much means taking the dog up there permanently.

I’ll let you know the outcome.