Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Stupid Is As Stupid Does was Originally Posted on January 8, 2012 by

I have a quote on my emails which reads: “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got”.

I want you to think about that for a minute before reading on.

Here is a news item from England:

A man who “accidentally” glued five plastic cups to his head put in a desperate call to 911 seeking medical attention.

You know, after the first one or two, you would think that he would catch on that this will not get any better.

Now I need to also confess that I have learned a valuable lesson myself. I won’t tell you how, but I learned that no matter how many times someone uses the liquid type of Super Glue, you can glue your fingers together each time, no matter how careful you are. I will never buy, I mean YOU should always buy the gel type of Super Glue. It’s not my fault those litle tubes leak so easily.

Also, although the tubes say that acetone (nail polish remover) will remove the glue, it does not do it as easily as one would expect.

I’m just saying…