Talk to the World For Free (almost)

Talk to the World For Free (almost) was Originally Posted on February 8, 2007 by

Astute readers here may know that I am a Ham (Amateur) Radio Operator, although I have not been very active lately. It would have been quite useful during the earthquake, but I stopped preparing for emergencies many years ago.

Ham Radio allows licensed operators to transmit and receive radio transmissions from around the world. You could talk to a Kina, a US Senator, Astronauts and even TV and movie stars. Itr is a fun hobby that also can save lives.

Once, before the end of the USSR, I spoke with someone in the Kremlin (not a very easy thing to do) via Ham Radio.

However, with the advent of the Internet, Ham Radio has taken somewhat of a back seat. Now you can get on your computer and chat with people worldwide at no charge. Even cell phone calls can be cheap or free.

As we speak, there is a company starting up in Iowa that will allow you to call many foreign countries for free, as long as you can call into Iowa.

It seems that there is a loophole whereby the government pays small rural telcos a fee for receiving calls from outside their area. Now imagine that that amount is less than it costs to forward the call around the world..

Thus All Free Calls was created. Stop over to and take a look. You call their number, they answer and you punch in a valid overseas telephone number and away you go.

I have not yet tried it, mainly because I don’t know anyone overseas. Perhaps I need to crank up the old Ham radio and put out a call to see who is out thre!

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