Too Exotic?

Too Exotic? was Originally Posted on March 7, 2013 by

Some members of the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems are boycotting a conference booked in Honolulu because of its “exotic” location. Sigh!

Ok, so let’s see, I personally consider the Bahamas exotic, Las Vegas, New York and any place with a beach, exotic.

Airfare? Well I just checked for someone who wanted to travel from the west coast to Hawaii and found $350 round trip.

Hotels? Well there are affordable ones on Oahu if you look. By affordable I mean $100 and up a night. Wait, you think that is expensive? The Courtyard Marriott in Vegas is $129 a night. Oh you could book a casino room for cheaper but in Vegas, you spend lots in casinos and they get their profits back that way.

Oh it is exotic because the President of the U.S. vacations there, well I’ll leave that one alone.

I understand if the costs were that much more than other places. try holding a convention in Washington DC. At the hotel we used, conventioneers were not allowed to take their own exhibits from the loading area to the convention sales floor, union guys had to do that and they are not cheap!

I guess it is all relative, but when thinking about Hawaii, some of us don’t consider it exotic, in fact it is much like home!