2900 and counting (15 Minutes of Fame)

2900 and counting (15 Minutes of Fame) was Originally Posted on November 2, 2012 by

My Sister sent me an update on my cousins family in Point Pleasant NJ. The news item was in the Associated Press and Google shows at least 2900 newspapers and websites have posted the article.

This posting adds 1 to that total.

“A lot of tears are being shed today,” said Dennis Cucci, whose home near the ocean in Point Pleasant Beach sustained heavy damage. “It’s absolutely mind-boggling.
“The worst part is the mental damage from not knowing what comes next,” he said. “We’re ready to start doing something, but what? What do you do first? When should you start doing it? Where can you put damaged stuff? When can you put it there? We’re just waiting for someone to say something.”

In the meantime, the shock from the storm was wearing off and the realization that this would be a long, sloppy slog was setting in.

“We’re running out of clean clothes,” Cucci said. “This is the last pair of dry shoes I have. It took the storm two days to wreck all this, and it’s going to take well over a year to recover from it.”

I think this “15 minutes of fame” Dennis whishes had quietly passed him by!