Classical Odldies, Raisins and Cherries

Classical Odldies, Raisins and Cherries was Originally Posted on January 30, 2012 by

The past couple of days I have been cleaning old coffee cherry from my trees. We call it raisin because the cherry can dry and start to shrivel. Some may also call it “sun-ripened”, but I don’t.

In this case, I am visiting each tree, removing any over-ripe berries and putting them in the picking basket. Then I will enclose them in a black trash bag and destroy them.

Living in a land of micro climates is interesting. In the early morning it is cool and the breeze comes down from the mountain. Then about 9 or 10am the air gets very calm and very soon, the warm air from the ocean starts coming up the mountain. That causes clouds and the possibility of rain.

In order to spray crops, you want to do that when the air is calm and that often is about 9am as I say. If you wait too much later you may get the rain and xcan’t spray then. It is a delicate dance we do with the weather.

Lately we have had a drought again. It rained some the other day, but I think we have had a couple months of dry weather. I have a few blossoms on my coffee trees but that is because I have been irrigating them. There is a direct cause and effect from irrigating coffee!

When you hire pickers for your farm, they will often have a radio playing in the picking area. I don’t have pickers yet and tend to use a MP3 player and headphones. Uptempo music helps a bit when you really need to get a bit more energy.

I still have a couple more pickings of ripe cherry to go and hope to have more coffee to sell this season. Then I’ll prune and work on replacing the trees that died. I’ll be creating a nursery for coffee trees.

It looks to be a hectic year with lots of coffee activity, the fruit should be more abundant and In April I hope to breed my female Labrador, O`lena. If all goes well, whe would deliver 9 weeks later and then those puppies will be weaned perhaps 4 weeks later and 4 weeks after that be headed to new homes.

For now, I’m off to work in the fields. yesterday was classical and new age, today oldies.