Does “almost” mean almost?

Does “almost” mean almost? was Originally Posted on July 9, 2003 by

In my last entry I said I was almost done fixing up the outside of the house. Those who know me well may say that “almost” in my case, could be close to forever ;-)

I also mentioned wanting to get in line to try for the 99 cent TV. Well, I got there at 4am only to find that they already had 23 people signed up on the list at midnight. They only had 9 TV’s to sell at that price. I still stood there until they opened and almost got crushed. At 9am there were *hundreds* of people lined up and the crown, which had been homey and friendly until then, was groing so large that it was unmanageable. There was only 1 security guard! When they opened the door, people began to rush in, even after we hollered for them to go slowly, and started crushing people in their way. Quite a dangerous situation, all for a discount store where everything is 99 cents. All in all, I spent about $6.

I finally received the quote to install gutters and downspouts. I had already removed the old gutters, replaced rotted wood, primed and painted where they would go, and just expected to have new metal installed. Even after all these things I’ve done to reduce the cost, they quoted me over $1300! I may be naive, but with a trip to Home Depot (a home construction type supply store), I believe the parts will cost me a few hundred dollars and a days worth of work on my part. I’ll get another estime, but at this rate, looks like I’ll do it myself. Even with a hospital bill for falling off the ladder, I hope to get by cheaper :-)

I ran around and found some “bankers boxes” (small storage boxes for papers, etc) and have labeled them “Yard Sale”, “Computer Show”, “Save” and “Giveaway”. I am starting to fill them up and then can price the things I will sell. I am also cleaning out the garage so I can stage the items and just open the door and begin selling.
I’m not sure how I will sell the cars and good furniture. The house will sell batter with furniture, but I also want to move as soon as the house is on the market. Even if I don’t own the coffee farm, I would rather be sitting in Hawaii waiting on the closing than sitting here in the Georgia heat and humidity!