Moving Slowly…

Moving Slowly… was Originally Posted on June 27, 2003 by

I am almost finished fixing up the outside of my current house by replacing trim, painting and doing shutters. With all the rain we had last week, then a few dry days in a row, I was on a roll.

That was, until today (Friday). The forecast called for rain Friday and I even checked the Regional RADAR, and yup, it was almost here, so I stayed in. Paint doesn’t dry well once it gets wet :-) The problem is, it never rained! I wasted a day and I don’t have many free days left to finish up.

I [i]was[/i] able to sucessfully add mine and my Mom’s phone number to the U.S. National Do Not Call list. That should stop the majority of telemarketers calls. Since I am moving soon, I don’t really care about my current number, but added it just “because I can”! :-) To add yours, go to If they call you after the list is active, the company gets fined something like $11,000 per call!

I heard a story about telemarketers that is supposed to be true. They were having a convention in a hotel and one guy found out which floor they were staying on. At like 3am he proceeded to call each room. When the sleeping telemarketer complained that he woke them up, the caller said “Now you know how WE feel”! If the story is not true, it is a shame :-)

In a few hours I am off to a computer show (not that I need anything, but it will be my last computer show on the mainland). The Big Island has few consumer computers, let alone, roaming computer shows going town to town (like the circus)!

After the show I’ll head down near my old office to have dinner with friends. Many of us left the old company a year ago and decided to get together and have a few drinks and some food. I may not see many of these people again either. It does get a bit sad to think about that, but I have moved every few years, all my life. I’m used to leaving and then only talking to people a few times on the phone, or maybe getting a card. There have been many times people have said “We will keep in touch”, yet they forget or lose the information. The internet makes it somewhat easier to find people though, so I look and sometimes find.

Here is a thought: If people really could travel through time to the past, and our future was further out than say, 20 years from now, we would currently be overrun with time travelers. I cannot believe that many people would be able to keep time travel a secret and we would all know about it now. Thus, time travel to the past in NOT possible. Your mileage may differ :-)