Its Deja Vu All Over Again
So this morning I go to replace the PVC pipe that the pigs broke yesterday.
I found that a pig was trying t oget under the house and broke another part of the pipe. Luckily that pipe was disconnected yesterday or I would have had lots more water loss.
The new pipe is being attached to the house above the area they could hit. I also will be adding some fencing so they can’t keep doing this. You see, my house is built above ground, what they call pier and post. There are concrete posts and 4×4 vertically which then have beams running along. This allows air to flow under the house (and the occasional flood or rain I guess). This leaves anywhere from a foot or two of space under the paneling to a year based upon the slope of the yard.
Although I would like to put HDPE instead, that is more difficult, time-consuming and costly. This ‘quick fix’ will last me many years until I decide to change it.