More Taxes

More Taxes was Originally Posted on January 21, 2013 by

Yup, it’s official, the Democrats say they will FINALLY create a budget and it will include (drum roll) MORE TAXES! While many people are getting less money in their paychecks, now you will get even less. This should not surprise you because our government keeps wanting to spend more and that money has to come from somewhere.

Here is the news item which speaks to this from the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats are looking to make new revenue part of the Senate’s first budget in almost four years, which will be released soon after the start of President Barack Obama’s second term.

Obama has pushed for a “balanced approach” to solving the nation’s financial woes, including more tax revenue.

Republicans for years have complained bitterly that Senate Democrats last produced a comprehensive budget in 2009 and say that, if Obama and fellow Democrats want to borrow more money, they’ll have to outline a spending plan.

Senate Democrats announced Sunday that they will oblige and produce a budget — but warned it will include higher taxes that Republicans oppose.

“We’re going to do a budget this year,” Schumer said hours before Obama officially began his second term. “And it’s going to have revenues in it. And our Republican colleagues better get used to that fact.”

So while you thought only the rich were going to pay, if your take home pay dropped, then YOU are being taxed more too.

Now before you think I am complaining, not so much so. I am self-employed and on fixed income. Although I pay tax on items and their costs go up, I am becoming more self-sufficient with the farm. I will have all the fruit and coffee I need, and soon will start a small vegetable garden. My income will also come from sales of coffee and spices and some other products.

I am sorry that we have decided to push all of this massive debt on to our children. They can’t even afford to go to college with taking on hugh debt. How do you think they will afford to pay all of the rest of debt we have heaped on them. They deserve better.