Recommended Daily Percentage

Recommended Daily Percentage was Originally Posted on January 25, 2011 by

Years ago I downloaded a progarm for a friend who was dieting. The program had a database of food items (both prepared and raw), drinks and other items. Suppose you fixed a Hungry Man Turkey Dinner for lunch. You would enter the name and the database would pull up the nutrition label fort he item to display it for you. It also stored that information in the database under your entry. If an item was not already in the database, you would fill out a blank nutrition label for it, listing the fat, sodium, etc.

The neatest thing was that you could display a daily or weekly nutrition label for yourself, showing in easy format, just how over your daily recommended nutrition level.

I have looked for the program and can not find it anymore, but cannot imagine that there is not a program that does this.

Imagine tracking your food intake and then wearing a t-shirt with the nutrition label to show the world, just how healthy (or not) you are.

Am I healthy? Let me answer that question with a story. This week I went to Costco and bougth a large container of Sourdough Pretzels. The container says it is 3.25 pound and as of today, I have eaten 2/3 of the contents. The serving size is 1 oz so I have eaten 32 servings so far and just 1 serving is 20% of my daily sodium intake! So, no, not that healthy.

I eat lots of fast food and prepared food, yet today I also bought a large salad and turkey sandwich on croissant. So I do have my offsets to bad eating. Sometimes :-)

With that I say goodbye to Jack laLane (who I used to watch on TV in my youth). I remember he sometimes had a dog on the show (and the dog would walk off camera when he got bored). Also, there was organ music during the show. Jack taught us that we could do better with our health and nutrition.

In the next year or so I will be knee-deep in fresh fruit from my 120-180 fruit trees. They don’t have nutrition labels on them, but I’m sure they will be healthier than the pretzels :-)