
Shark was Originally Posted on July 16, 2010 by

While watching the news about the DC quake, a reporter was standing on the beach talking about sharks. The boat behind him read (upside down) “…side Beach”. Of course, I knew it was Seaside Beach (next to Seaside Park). This was home to the reality show on MTV. It is also where I used to spend part of my summer (there and Point Pleasant).

My friend’s father owned a bar on the boardwalk and that is where I met the “Drifters”, who would play there each summer.

Both Seaside and Point Pleasant have webcams, which I have been know to watch at times.

At some point I would like to go back and drive through both areas again. In the meantime, Google Earth street views will have t osuffice.

Speaking of Google Earth, I continue to wait for the photos of my island to show up online. They will not show my house or even my street as the street is a private road and Google vehicles are not allowed to tresspass. Still, I *may* have my truck in a photo and I wait to see.