Straying From Home

Straying From Home was Originally Posted on March 17, 2010 by

I went to mail some coffee, then on to Sandras. She has a dog she would like to breed, but the dog has other ideas. I believe there will be a trip to the Hilo Vet soon with the male and female dogs. The Vet will help nature take its course.

Then I was off to COSTCO to get gas and browse the store. On the way back, I was near the marina on the main highway (now a 4 lane divided superhighway). If you have driven here before you know that at night, in that area, it is VERY DARK after sundown.

I saw a white flash in the road ahead and realized that it was a very small dog running across the street, stopping in between the two southbound lanes and not making it across the road. I knew that was bad with traffic coming fast behind me. I pulled over (not sure if I made it to the shoulder or in a turn lane) and went running back towards the dog; flailing my arms, so that oncoming traffic would at least see me and slow or move over. I finally was able to scoop up the dog and head to the shoulder. There was a guy in a station wagon pulling up and on the cell phone. Perhaps he was calling 911 to report a crazy guy running down the road?

I got the dog into my truck and looked around to see if there was a car or person nearby who owned the dog. I saw nobody. The collar had no info on it and there was no tag. The dog was well cared for.

Unfortunatley, the next stop for the dog is the Humane Society where they have after-hours drop off kennels. I filled out the form, made sure the dog had water and locked him inside the kennel. The volunteers (or staff) will let him out in the morning, scan him for a microchip and check him for problems, etc. I’m sure his owner will know to check the Humane Society if they have not chipped the dog.

All I can say is, in the kennel for the night is better than under a car.