Yesterday and Today

Yesterday and Today was Originally Posted on May 18, 2011 by

Yesterday I finished cutting weeds with the tractor and mower. I think I have the mower pretty well adjusted because I don’t have an off-center problem anymore. While constantly backing up and turning, I was able to slightly injure my left wrist. Once I can fill in the rest of the irrigation trench, this won’t be a problem anymore.

Today I almost missed it, but another puppy heads to the airport to make his way to Kauai and his new home. I was able to give him a quick bath (his first) before he scooted.

I posted a wantad asking for someone to cut trees under my power line. Hopefully I can get power back on quickly. The current lowest hourly rate is lower than what I will finally pay the guy. Even if he doesn’t work very quickly, I am not going to take advantage of him. It is intersting to note that the same ad brought a high hourly rate quote of 8 times the lowest hourly rate!