Sparks, Drips and Breezes

Sparks, Drips and Breezes was Originally Posted on May 24, 2011 by

After letting trees grow tall enough to pull the electric wires off the house, I hired two guys to cut the trees. They were supposed to come saturday at 8am however they had troubles with their truck. One guy came at noon, saw what work needed to be done and said they would be back Sunday at 8am.

At 9am they arrived and started to work. They had to cut trees along a 100 foot path and made pretty quick work of it using both a small chainsaw and a machette. The next project was to remove trees to enhance my view of the Pacific and to allow a breeze to reach the top floor of the house. The last area was to remove trees which overhung the gutters on the north side of the house.

When we aere done there were a few casulties: first, the main water line (PVC) broke however I cut the water off and was able to fix the problem in a few minutes. Secondly, a large tree shifted some as we took it own and it brushed the gutters, bringing them down. That is not a big deal as I need to remove them and redo them anyway. The third problem is that when this tree took down the gutters, it also brushed the extension ladder and one fiberglass side got damaged. The ladder cannot be used as an extension ladder anymore and I will have to use just the one half still intact.

I have a call in to an electrician and hope that we can rerun the meter connection with little work so I can get the electric back on. Then I can call the cable company and get the internet back on.

One thing I noticed already is that with the trees gone from the ocean side of the house, I get more breeze (as I hoped). However, there is more sunlight that also can come in, making the house a bit hotter too. I’ll need to add more curtains or shade cloth to block out the sun.