Whether We Get It Or Not

Whether We Get It Or Not was Originally Posted on April 4, 2011 by

I just read a news report that scientists have met and discussed the possibility of altering the earth’s weather in order to offset things like global warming.

This sounds like something Lex Luthor would do…

If you think about it, it is a really bad idea. Oh yes we can inject particles into the atmosphere to block the sun, much like a volcano would do. That would block the sun and thusly, lower the earths temperature. But can you imagine how difficult it would be to have countrys agree that this is the way to solve things?

Here in Hawaii we have microclimates where the weather can change in just a few miles. Waimea on the Big Island has a dry side of town and a wet side of town. That dividing line is very defined. Here in South Kona, changing the weather even slightly could have a massive effect on whether we can grow our world-famous Kona coffee. Recently we had a drought which we believe brought out the coffee cherry borer beetle which has effected our yields. Small changes in climates can have dramatic effects and playing God with the weather may not be in the worlds best interest.

I’m not a scientist. I don’t have all the answers. I have reservations when I hear that people want to splice genes; when they want to create engineered crops which *might* propogate and not be controllable. I say take care when you want to create black holes on earth, want to press he envelope or control the weather.

Oh there will be those who say that our Scientists are experts and we should trust them. We said the same for doctors who used leeches for bloodletting. We said the same when they assured us the earth was flat. We dig a hole in the ocean to get oil and then can’t plug it back up. We have a reactor we are having problems containing. We have free energy from the sun and wind, yet take very little advantage of it.

So while these scientists may be experts, are they expert enough to trust with the weather?